
Dear 郭涛,
The transfer of your domain www.sbboy.com from Yahoo! to your new registrar has been completed. Please note that you will be responsible for paying all future renewal fees to your new registrar.
Important note: We do not automatically cancel your plan when you transfer your domain. Any Yahoo! services associated with your domain, such as email or web hosting, will continue to work normally until your domain expires.
To cancel your plan and terminate any future billing, please sign in to your account at http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/services and click the “Cancel Plan” link under the plan you want to cancel.
If you have any questions, please visit the help center or contact us.
Best regards,
The Yahoo! Small Business team
加上这两个,一共三个咯,全部转移成功,庆祝一下。其中sbboy.com 和 showtruth.com 即将启用,敬请期待。
by Digitoxin
PS:有图,show truth 。
嘿嘿,Godaddy 来中国淘金真是淘的爽 ~
小邪也送金给它了 ~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭
@evlos, 是啊,互利互惠嘛。。