Warning: Use of undefined constant version - assumed 'version' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.kainy.cn/wp-content/plugins/github-bitbucket-project-lister/lib/Net.php on line 33

Warning: Use of undefined constant version - assumed 'version' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/blog.kainy.cn/wp-content/plugins/github-bitbucket-project-lister/lib/Net.php on line 33


  • AudioExif

    用PHP读写音频文件的信息(支持WMA和MP3) by @hightman (13 watchers)

  • Emotion

    (2 watchers)

  • API-Admin

    API网站内容管理系统 内置20+API接口 (1 watcher)

  • all-html

    Insipred by http://all-html.net/ (1 watcher)

  • guotao

    (1 watcher)

  • admin

    admin (1 watcher)

  • docs

    LeanCloud Documentation (1 watcher)

  • Forma

    (1 watcher)

  • floom

    Floom – Image slideshow with a visible timer/progressbar and a funky blinds-like animation for MooTools (1 watcher)

  • Email2Avatar

    一个可以查看email所对应Gravatar头像的小工具,用浏览器打开后,输入需要查询的email,点击旁边的按钮提交后即可. (1 watcher)

  • blog

    已转移到: (1 watcher)

  • autoproxy2pac

    Bypass GFW's blockade on almost every browser (1 watcher)

  • ddns-go

    简单好用的DDNS。自动更新域名解析到公网IP(支持阿里云、腾讯云dnspod、Cloudflare、华为云、百度云、porkbun) (1 watcher)

  • demo

    无意中翻到旧电脑的svn库,居然还能checkout出来,都是早年收集的网页特效。 (1 watcher)


    腾讯云CDN SDK (1 watcher)

  • flutter_cached_video_player

    Forked to fix hls playback by skipping the caching. Use #dieringe for a usable version. (1 watcher)

  • guocy.cn

    https://guocy.cn/ (1 watcher)

  • fex-team.github.io

    做最专业的前端团队 (0 watchers)

  • FED

    The Front-End Develop Kitchen (0 watchers)

  • apex

    Build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease. (0 watchers)

  • generator-fedp

    A front-end project initialization generator for Yeoman (0 watchers)

  • af-node-chat

    (0 watchers)

  • com.tencent.mm

    WeChat (0 watchers)

  • cdn

    SaeLayerCDN (0 watchers)

  • dotfiles

    paul's configuration files (mostly for me, but you may find something interesting) (0 watchers)

  • BeautySelect

    项目中需要自定义下拉框,于是写了个简易的下拉框美化控件,只有几十行,样式可在css中自定义。 (0 watchers)

  • Gungnir

    代理调试工具,代码编辑器,web服务器 (0 watchers)

  • duel-living

    Duel Living (0 watchers)

  • dns.js.org

    Providing nice and free domains for GitHub Pages since 2015 (0 watchers)

  • asana-translate-chrome

    Translate Asana.com into your own language with this Chrome Extension (0 watchers)


  1. 玩具盒子:http://kainy.github.com/
  2. 代码试验田:https://kainy.googlecode.com/
  3. W3C实验室:http://w3clab.appspot.com/